Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Tusked Frogs at my Coles Creek Property

Tonight I went down just to look for the Tusked Frogs. I could hear several calling out again tonight as soon as I arrived in the area where they are found. Most of them stopped calling as soon as I approached. A few kept calling so I looked beneath the debris to find them. I didn't have any luck for nearly 2 hours. In that whole time I only got to move a few branches and a little leaf litter and they stopped calling. Just as I was about to give up I heard a strong call on the edge of the bank just beneath a few leaves. I was able to scoop this frog straight out of the water. Unfortunately as I put down my torch to take the photo, the frog jumped into a pile of leaves and I lost sight of him. I was disappointed in myself for not obtaining at least one photo.
I thought I will try for another 10 minutes or so down a little further where the water is a little deeper. In this section they were more numerous. I would have heard at least 30 individuals calling out. I honed in on one calling out close to the bank where there was little debris and I found one straight away. I was able to get several photos of this specimen luckily. The photos aren't as good as many of my other shots as I was rushing to get the shots so I could put it back in the water. I don't like having to actually catch the frogs I photograph and rarely do so, but due to where these frogs are found it would be nearly impossible to get a photo without catching them and moving them out of the debris. These frogs are strange in many ways! One of these oddities is they pretend they are dead when they are picked up. This is something that no other frog I have seen or handled personally has done.
Now I have got a photo of them at the property again I will leave them be. I wanted to get a recent photo of them on the property in hope to have the property protected in the future as these frogs are listed as endangered in this area.  While searching for them tonight I went into some new parts of the creeks that I haven't been able to access since the floods on Australia Day and I heard over 50 individuals which is quite a lot more than I have ever heard. This is probably due to 5 floods through the property in less than 12 months and this has brought in lots of debris into a few of the creeks on the property which increases the suitable habitat for them. Hopefully this trend of population growth will continue.

Tusked Frog

The Tusked Frog from it's left side

The Tusked Frog from it's right side

The Tusked Frog from ground level

The Tusked Frog from above

The Tusked Frog from front on
Hopefully over the next few weeks I will get a chance to go out and find some of the other frogs that are less common on the property. There are 8 or 9 other species of frogs that can be seen occasionally on the property in low numbers. In other areas these less common frogs here are common but I want to get a collection of photos of all the frogs on this 45 acre property. The only other frog that is or was regularly seen that I haven't put in a post in the last 6 weeks or so is the Wrinkled Toadlet. To be honest I haven't actually heard or seen any since the start of the wet season in November 2011. Hopefully they are still on the property. This will be the next frog that I will attempt to find. If they are still here their numbers have definitely declined.

That takes the total to 14 different frog species in the last 6 weeks, all of which can be seen easily on the property and most of which can be seen in massive numbers. Once I get some more photos I will post them. Keep checking in regularly for more updates.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Frogging at my Property at Coles Creek with a Friend

Last Saturday night I invited one of my friends over to do some frogging around the property. I thought that it would be a good night for it as many species had ben seen in the few weeks prior and she has never seen many of the species here, even though she only lives 20 km away.

We had quite a lot of rain throughout the day so all the creeks had come up higher again but as long as it wasn't raining more of the species would be out. I rang her just after dark when it stopped raining as it looked like we had a few hours until the next rain was coming through.

As soon as she arrived we went to have a look for the Wilcox's Frog. We only saw a few tonight but at least she got to see them. In this same area we heard some of the unidentified toadlets or froglets calling out, along with many Eastern Dwarf Tree Frogs, Striped Marsh Frogs and some Striped Rocket Frogs. We located some of each of these in the area too.

One of the few Wilcox's Frogs that were seen tonight

The next 3 photos show the only place on the property where Wilcox's Frogs are found. This is a small area. What makes this habitat so different from the rest of the property is the hard soil beside the floodway and the small rocks on the edge of the dam, also this water runs through here for a few months during the wet season whereas the majority of the rest of the property the water is still once the flooding recedes.

This is a floodway between two dams with running water

The same habitat from the other side of the floodway

Most of the Wilcox's Frogs are found on the small rocks on this dam wall
Just after we saw the Wilcox's Frogs the torch battery started going flat, so we quickly went back to the house to get a new battery. On the way back out of the house we noticed a Keferstein's Tree Frog on the lawn. They are seen here fairly often but more often they can be seen near or on the shed or house. We didn't spend much time looking for any more or trying to get a great shot as this was one species my friend had seen before.

Keferstein's Tree Frog
The next 3 pictures are of the main dam close to the house. In this area Eastern Dwarf Tree Frogs are the most common along with Striped Rocket Frogs along the banks. Occasionally I will see Red Tree Frogs and Keferstein's Tree Frogs down here also. During the lead up to the wet season Peron's Tree Frogs move from their breeding area and can be seen in this area as all other water on the property except one creek which is quite a distance from here has dried up.

Eastern Dwarf Tree Frogs are regulars on these water plants

After flooding this area stays like this for weeks which attracts Striped Rocket Frogs in particular

The Rocket Frogs gather in their hundreds in this area each night
While we were walking around hundreds of Dainty Tree Frogs could be heard. As these are quite common in the whole area and we were running short on time we decided to go have a look for the Peron's and Tyler's Tree Frogs as we could hear a few calling out earlier. I was concerned that this creek may have risen too much to be able to cross safely with all the rain during the day. Luckily it hadn't come up much at all. To get to both of these frogs you need to go to the trees in the creek. The water was up just past my groin and my friend is a lot shorter than me so it was up to her belly button nearly. We did find both frogs but it wasn't as suitable tonight as they often don't call out while it is actually raining and it started raining just as we got to their area. Luckily it stopped within 5 minutes and a few started to call out so we could locate them. I was surprised to see that each of the frogs I located tonight were in the same trees as they were earlier on in the week.
Peron's Tree Frog
Tyler's Tree Frog

The next 2 photos are the habitat where the Tyler's Tree Frogs and the Peron's Tree Frogs are found. On occasions they can be heard in other locations on the property but this area has many of each species here. This habitat is different from other places on the property as there are bushy trees that are in the water with branches that are low and close to the water. Most of the other creeks and dams only have trees on the banks, some of which overhang the water.

More Tyler's Tree Frogs are found in this section

More Peron's Tree Frogs are found in this section

Next we headed off towards the Great Barred Frogs which we could hear calling out from down the property. On the way I heard several Tusked Frogs calling out. We decided to go have a look. I told my friend that we most likely wouldn't see them, which we didn't but we did get to hear several calling out. The creeks where they are found had risen a few meters since the other day so we didn't even bother trying to photograph them.

The next 2 photos show the places where the Tusked Frogs can be heard calling out at the moment. All the habitat photos were taken 7 days later and the water has dropped significantly, especially in this creek. Within the week it may be possible to have a good look for them as the water may be shallow enough, if it doesn't rain much. The water in these photos looks deceptively shallow. I pushed one leg into the water on the right and it is full of rotting leaf litter and small sticks and I went up to my groin! I learnt my lesson the other week going into these areas. This habitat differs from other areas of the property as the sticks, branches, logs and leaf and grass litter build up in deep water making it into a sludge.

This is the main habitat area of the Tusked Frogs at the start of the creek
The Tusked Frogs are found at the other end of the creek also
We saw several Great Barred Frogs just on the edge of their habitat but we could hear dozens of others further in the bush. We both got some great photos of the first few that my friend spotted so we didn't bother looking for the others as we knew it could start raining soon and we wanted to check out the flooded front paddocks.
Great Barred Frog

The next 3 photos are of the original habitat of the Great Barred Frogs. The other area where they are now found looks identical to this. This habitat is different from other parts of the property as all the grass is very short due to the types of ground cover that grow in this area. In this area many types of ferns grow also. There is also a lot of leaf litter around this area and in some places the leaf litter can reach 30 cm deep. Also the banks of this creek are very steep and there is always water in this creek and the creek in the other area all year round.

Males are heard calling here most nights during the wet season

The water level is quite a lot lower than the top of the bank

The short ground cover is ideal for the Great Barred Frogs
Next we went out to the front paddocks. This is an area of about 15 acres. The whole area was under water. In one of the paddocks it was only about ankle deep, where we heard many hundreds of Dainty Tree Frogs. Even though we saw many we didn't get any decent shots due to the length of the grass here at the moment. The sound of them was deafening for a short period. I was surprised to see so many out the front. They are often seen out there but not in those numbers, and they are not usually as active when it isn't actually raining. Maybe they knew something we didn't. It was just about to start raining again!!

As quickly as we could we waded through the water which started getting deeper. The second paddock at the front of the property had water ranging from knee deep to groin depth. We heard hundreds of Eastern Dwarf Tree Frogs here as usual and Common Froglets could also be heard in large numbers. We found many of each species too. Many Striped Rocket Frogs and Striped Marsh Frogs could also be heard. Unfortunately it started to rain heavily so we had to retreat to the house and we missed out on getting many photos of the frogs in the front paddocks.

A good nights frogging overall and my friend had a great time, at least with seeing different species of frogs that she hadn't seen before. After 2 1/2 hours of walking around wading through deep water and getting rained on a few times we were both quite cold. It was great to have someone else out frogging with me enjoying the beautiful frogs that Australia has to offer!

Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog

Another Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog

The Common Froglet just after calling from his post
This is one of the front paddocks a week after the heavy rain

The water here is still between 30 and 60 cm deep

The water stays here like this for a few months until it dries up

Thousands of tadpoles can be seen in here at the moment

The Common Froglet mainly stays close to the edge of the tree line

This whole paddock has a thick layer of rotting leaves beneath the water

Striped Marsh Frogs can be seen basically anywhere on the property on land or shallow water. The photo below shows one of the areas where they are more densely populated than the rest of the property. They are heard calling in massive numbers which becomes deafening at times from the small clumps of leaves and sticks at the base of the trees.

Main habitat for the Striped Marsh Frogs
Hopefully in the next week I will be able to get into the area where the Tusked Frogs are found and I will be able to put up a new post.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Another Collection of Frogs from my Coles Creek Property

I went out tonight to see if I could get a few more shots of the toadlet that is very common on the property as I have few decent pictures of them. Before I went to the main area where they are found I decided to see if there were any Wilcox's Frogs out tonight. I was pleased to see they were out in larger numbers tonight. I saw about 15 different individuals tonight. Unfortunately I have only seen them in an area that is about 100 square meters that is between the two dams.

Wilcox's Frog

Another Wilcox's Frog

Another specimen of the same species

As I was heading to another part of the property where the Peron's Tree Frogs are found in decent numbers I saw this Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog. As always this time of year, they numbered thousands. I took a photo of this one as he was sitting on the branch below one of the Peron's Tree Frogs. I saw approximately 40 Peron's Tree Frogs and heard many more calling out. Their numbers have increased quite a lot over the last two years.

Eastern Dwarf Tree Frog

Peron's Tree Frog

While I was in taking the photos of the Peron's Tree Frogs I heard another frog calling out. To start with I thought it must have been a Peron's Tree Frog with a slight variation to its call. Within a few minutes I could hear 20 or so individuals calling out and they all sounded the same. After closer investigation I found that it was actually a different frog. They were Tyler's Tree Frogs! Their call has some similarities to the Peron's Tree Frogs but can be distinguished easily enough. This is the first time I can say I have definitely heard them on the property and definitely the first time I have seen them here. Actually it is the first time I have seen them anywhere and photographed them! I was very excited to find over 30 of them living amongst the Peron's Tree Frogs.

Tyler's Tree Frog

The same Tyler's Tree Frog from a different angle

The same Tyler's Tree Frog from below

Another Tyler's Tree Frog calling from the trunk of a sapling

The same Tyler's Tree Frog from above from a different angle

The Great barred Frogs were very vocal tonight. Probably the loudest I have heard them since I have lived here. Both areas in which they are found were very active tonight, with more individuals sighted than ever in just a small section of their area. I didn't stay in the area long to photograph them as they are out in large numbers regularly during the wet season. I began looking for the Tusked Frogs that I could faintly hear in between the calls of the Great Barred Frogs. I found the area where they were calling but I couldn't locate any to photograph. There were about 15 or so calling out tonight which is the most I have heard in one place. They are definitely one of the hardest frogs to locate due to the habitat in which they live. I didn't even try to move any debris to find them as I knew I couldn't get into that part of the creek. It looked shallow (looked like about 30 cm deep), but as soon as I took one step in I was up passed my waist in water and debris. Just managed to save my camera actually! I will try again in the coming days if the weather permits.

One of the many Great Barred Frogs

The Common Froglets were out in large numbers again tonight. I wanted to increase my chances of finding them so I went to the flooded front paddock out the front of the property. They would most likely number thousands in the front paddock alone. I hear them all the time and at times they can be deafening to the point where you can't stand in the area as the pitch hurts your ears if they all start calling at the same time. This is the first time I have got a decent photo of them. I have always been looking in the wrong place. I assumed that they were calling out just below the water or under the debris of leaves and sticks, mainly on the land. Tonight I happened to find one in the deeper water, about 40 cm deep, holding itself in the reeds by pushing itself against the reeds so they could support themselves. As soon as I bumped the reeds they fell in the water as they don't have any pads. I was very surprised to se them in the reeds like this at all. The more I looked the more I found doing the same thing. I found more than 20 doing this same thing in a matter of minutes. This could explain why I have seen so few of them but always heard them in large numbers. I have been looking in the wrong place! Unfortunately I couldn't hold the torch and the camera around the reeds to get a photo that was in focus. I did find one on the edge of the water in the leaves that I could photograph luckily.

 Common Froglet

Shot from above of a Common Froglet
As I was walking back to the house the Striped Marsh Frogs were making a tremendous noise all calling out together. When they call out one at a time it is quite a faint sound. When many hundreds, if not thousands all call out at once it is a different story. Below is just one of the culprits.

Striped Marsh Frog

After finding the Tyler's Tree Frogs on the property tonight that now takes the frog species on the property to a definite 22 that have been photographed and identified and there are  2 others that I have seen on a few occasions but am yet to photograph. I am sure that there are a few other calls that I hear from time to time also that I haven't identified as yet. It is very exciting to have so many frog species on the property, especially when about 14 of these are seen regularly during the wet season.